Thursday 7 October 2010

Christmas Presents, Part Three

 After a bit of a kerfuffle with the person I bought some fabric from on Ebay, I finally received my purchase. I'm sure I ordered 1 metre off the roll but I have a metre square, nevermind. It has messed up my plan slightly though, which is a pain.
A trip into town later and I have some more supplies.

I am now equipped with a large square of aida, some stripy fabric, a large length of lace and the stripy floral fabric (from ebay).

So, the small apron has half of the lace sewn on. I am sewing by hand and it is going well. I think I am only going to have to get the machine out to sew the pockets on and the waistbands. The stripy fabric I am going to use for the waistband and the stripy floral fabric I am going to use for the small aprons pocket and with the other fabrics for a patchwork pocket on the large apron.

I have started cross-stitching the detail for my heart designs. I found some beautiful pink thread in my *very* old sewing box which I am using to sew some words. I am now on my second attempt, the first attempt, I didn't cut the aida big enough *oops*. But that is going well :) That won't take too long to finish now :) Then I will just need to find some pretty ribbon to join them together. That will be one present down at least!

Not a homemade present, but Nana bought Louie's christmas present last week. It is a beautiful wooden shape sorter Noah's Ark. It is so beautifully made, and I know that it will last years and years and that it will be handed down through our family. I am so pleased with it.

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