Our kitchen smells divine!
On the hob is a BIG pot of vegetable soup, and cooling on the rack is a loaf of hand made bread.
I love Autumn. I love wrapping up and eating homemade soup, with plenty of bread. Yum! Now I can share it with my wonderful son, it is his favourite too!
I must admit, its usually Mom who makes the soup, and we usually buy fresh bread but this time, it was all me! I am very proud (as you can tell). I just botched together the soup, well you can't really go too wrong with soup I don't think. The bread has turned out beautifully though, perfect size, perfect colour and absolutely delicious!
The soup wasn't half bad either, a little heavy on the sweet potato though. Went down a treat for Mom, Rog, Dan, Nade, Emmanuel and Louie!
Louie and Emmanuel were playing SO nicely. Nade had popped round to ask me all about cloth nappies. I probably overloaded her but I think she liked the Flips and the lusciousness of the Blueberry! And I think she might try some ebay bargains. I gave her a sheet with a list of things to look at and some good websites. Meanwhile, the boys were playing so nicely, Louie was giving E kisses and they were hugging and climbing over one another.
Emmanuel is 9 months old and Louie is 8 1/2. They see eachother often and always have done. I just never thought that they would be so good with eachother so soon! We usually go to coffee shops or restaurants but this time the venue was my front room. They were playing with the toys, crawling, laughing and singing. It was magical. I hope they stay such good friends for a long time, and that they include Emmanuel's new sibling when he or she comes along!