Sunday 12 September 2010


On Friday, my new baby carrier arrived. Its an asian style Mei Tai carrier and it is absolutely beautiful. It allows me to front carry and back carry which was really important to me this time round. Now Louie is bigger (and nearly 20lbs) I really need to bear the weight on my back!
And, we triumphantly had a milkies feed in the sling! I really thought the sling feeding days were over, but wayhey, thank the Lord for the Mei Tai!
And here we are, enjoying my beautiful carrier!

And, Last weekend, we lost our close carrier. I was so brave and didn't cry, although I deeply wanted to. I love my close carrier so much, it has been my best friend for nearly 4 months and I didn't know how I would manage without it. So I was straight to John Lewis for a new one. Even though the Mei Tai was on its way, I knew that I couldn't manage without a trusty close carrier, it is just so comfy, cosy and close! It is the best money I have ever spent.

And as you can see, He loves BOTH carriers!

(Oooh and check out the tomato plant in the background! Roger came and chopped it down today as it was getting rather overgrown again! It is now nice and trim again. We have enjoyed a few delicious tomatoes already, with plenty more on the way!)

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