Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Easter

As we aren't spending Easter at home this year, we haven't been organised enough to prepare a hunt for Mr Bee so we outsourced instead! Since yesterday I have been feeling a little better, so I cut down the pain killers to a drivable level (wahoo!) and made a trip to the local NT property, Gawthorpe Hall, just down the road (its a pity it is too far to walk!

Todays hunt was a bunny hunt (which did make me laugh as there were many signs stating that there was to be no animal hunting in the grounds...!) with fantastic little clues and this time, Mr Bee was able to do the whole thing all by himself, leaving me to amble behind him taking a few photographs whilst he had all of the fun!

Can you spot the rabbit? Mr Bee was very impressed with his chocolate bunny, who went for a little hop in to the tree for a photo! 

We took a walk through the woodland to make our way back to the car, playing hide and seek (he hid, I found him, over and over again, he isn't very good yet!) and looking at the different trees! We did find this moss and fungi growing on a tree stump which Louie decided was a 'mossroom', we had a good chuckle about that one!!

I hope you are all enjoying your Easter Sunday and eating as much chocolate as you possibly can ;)

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