Saturday, 1 December 2012

A Quiet Day Oop North

This weekend we are in Burnley again as there is a big match tomorrow, Burnley v Blackburn, local derby. Unusually, the game is on Sunday, early kick off, so that means we have had Saturday to ourselves. With Poppar and Mommar away for the day, we pleased ourselves and headed north to Skipton for the morning.
We ate lunch in a cute little cafe, browsed the popular market (I could not believe just how many flat caps were on sale! Just about every stall sold them!), dreamed about owning the expensive pottery and Lowry paintings in a collectors fair and of course, visited the second hand book shops. 
We bought Mr Bee a new (to us) book, one I loved as a child, 'The Night the Toys Came to Life' by Enid Blyton. I do hope he grows up to like her books as much as I did and still do. (If you are lucky, you may catch me still reading the Naughty Amelia Jane stories over and over!) I was lucky that the local department store had a shop-wide sale on so I may have treated myself to a new Chubby Stick, seeing as I seem to have misplaced my favourite one :(

Whilst on our travels, we got some things together to make dinner for ourselves. Papa wanted mediterranean roast veggies, so that is what Papa had! Whilst they were cooking, Mr Bee and I decorated some Christmas gingerbread biscuits, easy and mess free fun, a great hours entertainment!

 You would be surprised at how much of these he did by himself! Can you spot the smiley face atop the tree on the far left?

And now a quiet evening in the big, very cold house with cups of tea and lots of blogs to catch up with whilst the boys play with Papa's old toys in the loft!
Happy 1st December everyone!

1 comment:

Aqeela said...

I just sold a book of Lowry paintings on ebay! They are a bit too dark for me but i do love the scenes.
Love the ginger bread biscuits, biscuit and cake decorating is one thing we still havent done together, infact, ive never done it at all!
Aqeela xx

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