Sunday, 25 July 2010

Schooling and Handmedowns

Two things I read today have really got me thinking. The first was an article in The Green Parent about schooling. Most european children do not start formal education until they are 6 or 7, in England it is 4. England also is the bottom of the table rating children's happiness.
We touched on this in psychology at a-level, showing that swedes and norwegians are much happier and perform better than their English counterparts, put down to excellent nursery care and the importance of play based learning.
If I had the option, I would love to keep Louie home for as long as possible, however I know I am not the best person to school him, and social interaction is far too important to deprive him. If there were schools which centered on play based learning until that age in this country, I would be the first one there with my son.

Secondly, I read a post on a forum, which was entitled 'Hand me down cr*p' which riled me a touch.
Why would anyone be ungrateful for being given lots of things for their child? Maybe it is just me, but if I had given someone something of Louie's, something I had loved him wearing, or he loved playing with, i would expect the decency of them to at least be gracious.
Babies don't NEED all new things. Newborn clothes last for 2/3 weeks, Louie lived in other children's clothes. His 3-6 clothes have lasted longer but I have only bought him a few bits and pieces. He isn't going to care that another child has worn it!

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