So Nana Bee has gone on holiday to visit family in Ireland, so Papa Bee, Mama Bee and Mr Bee are all at home on our own for once. It is nice when we get to be a little family on our own.
Shopping at a farm shop is really important to me. I like to know where my food has come from, and would rather know that a local business has taken my money rather than a huge corporate supermarket. I have been searching for a farm shop local to us with no success. The nearest farm shop to us is about a mile away but it only sells eggs and potatoes, and they are a little hit and miss with the quality. We do shop there for our spuds and always pick up eggs when we go too, but the bag of spuds lasts us at least a month, so we don't visit that regularly.
When Dan and I went out for a meal last week, we went to Mai Yango, our favourite bar and there was a Leicestershire magazine that I sat and thumbed through. There was an advert for Attfields Farm Shop that looked like heaven, a proper little supermarket style farm shop. And with it only being in Whetstone, we had to check it out.
Even Papa Bee was impressed with the selection, we managed to do the majority of our shopping there, only needing to pick up a few things like rice from Sainsburys on the way home. So this week we have a menu ready. I did this so that I knew exactly what we needed to buy from the shops and not buy unnecessary items, or need to keep running to the shops every 5 mins.
So tonight, Papa Bee has made a gorgeous Chicken and Chorizo Paella, yum yum yummy!
It started off such a bright and sunny day, so once the nappies were washed they were hung out to dry on the line. Only for it to rain as soon as they were all out... typical! Hopefully they will dry anyway!
Whilst Louie was having his sleep I cracked on and got my skirt finished! I will write another post about that though so keep your eyes peeled for that one ;)
And this evening, we are having hot choc chocs with cream mmm, and watching My Family and Miranda! Perfect!
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